So this past weekend Bran was replacing the door handle on our garage door......he was super pumped because it was something handy! And a lot of you know that know my husband know that he is def. more business minded than a handy man! Which I love about him don't get me wrong (thank you jesus for a very handy brother in law who loves to build things :) ) but he got a little bug in him after replacing our door knob!
I was talking how I really want to paint our kitchen cabinets white instead of leaving them the ugly maple they are! I've been saying this since I moved in last April but just never got around to it! But my hubby got bit by the handy man bug! and boy do I love it! He just went over to our kitchen cabinets and starting taking the doors off! I love that he has some interest in what I love which is decorating and revamping things! It makes me love him a little bit more! :)
So here is what our kitchen looked like before:
Cabinets off!
Pantry Door!
So the cabinet door are sanded and ready to be painted.....I just have to sand the actual cabinets frame! Then We're going to make our pantry into a chalkboard! That way when paisley is a little older and when we have more kids they can sit and color while I'm cooking dinner or I can display a cute written out menu for the week! Eventually the ugly track lighting is coming down and being replaced over the sink light, new wood floors instead of linoleum and a center island and we are still coming up with ideas, but we either are going to put a cute fabric curtain under the sink like this:

Ohh how I dream of having a farm house sink, butcher block counter tops and a huge window to look out at while I was dishes! I have a small one that works for now!
Or leave the cabinet doors in between the stove and sink off and paint the backsplash of the wall a cute color maybe yellow like this:

But a yellow back wall instead of white with white dishes!
Or maybe we'll do I said a work in progress and it will take awhile having a husband in politics and a new baby! but we'll keep you posted on our first big project together! man I love my husband but I love him even more when he wants to help make my ideas come to life!
Hope your having a wonderful day!
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